









而从狭义的设计角度来看,像 CIS(企业形象识别系统)和 VIS(视觉识别系统)确实是设计师们重点关注和工作的领域。CIS 包括理念识别(MI)、行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI),其中 VI 部分就是通过各种视觉元素如标志、色彩、字体、图形等的设计和应用,来传达品牌的独特个性和风格。









品牌的三个核心(Brand Trinity)








Building a high-end Company Brand Design requires a series of strategies and steps. Here is a Company Brand Design guide: Clarify brand positioning and target audience. Before starting the design, ensure a clear understanding of the company's brand positioning and target audience. This includes determining the brand's core values, mission, and vision, as well as the characteristics and preferences of the target audience. Conduct brand research to conduct market and competitor research, understand industry trends, competitive landscape, and target audience expectations. Through research, we can discover the advantages and opportunities of the brand, as well as the gaps and challenges in the market.


Develop brand strategy based on research results, including brand positioning, brand points, target audience positioning, and brand communication strategy. Ensure that the brand strategy is aligned with the company's business goals and vision. Design a brand visual recognition system and develop a visual recognition system for the company, including logos, logo standards, color schemes, font and layout specifications, etc. The visual recognition system should reflect the brand's personality and values, and maintain consistency across various media and platforms.


Establish brand voice and tone guidelines to ensure consistent tone and style in brand communication. The brand voice and tone should be in line with the company's brand design image and values, while attracting the attention of the target audience. Create brand experience design and optimize all touchpoints for user brand interaction, including products, services, websites, applications, and customer service. The brand experience should be consistent with the brand image and commitment, creating a positive user experience and emotional connection.


Establish a monitoring mechanism for continuous monitoring and adjustment, and regularly evaluate the performance and impact of the brand. Based on feedback and data, adjust brand strategy and design in a timely manner to ensure consistency and sustainable development of the brand with the market and target audience. Adhering to the concept of "customer first", we are always committed to becoming the core competitiveness of the brand, constantly improving in brand shaping, brand influence, brand reputation, and striving to create more value for the brand.


To create a high-end corporate brand design, it is necessary to first use the brand design guidelines commonly used by designers to determine the brand positioning and values, understand the company's core values and target audience, and clarify the brand's positioning and uniqueness.Design a brand identity and establish the company's logo, font, color, and graphic elements to ensure that the brand identity is clear, concise, and easily recognizable. Develop visual standards manual, including brand colors, brand fonts, brand icons, brand layout, etc., to ensure that all designs conform to a unified style. Building a brand image by designing various promotional materials such as websites, posters, business cards, packaging, etc., to create a unified and high-end brand image. Maintain consistency to ensure that all brand designs align with the company's values and positioning, avoiding chaotic or conflicting design styles.


Through the above guidelines, the designed brand will have a greater sense of quality and luxury, attract more target customer groups, and enhance the company's brand value and image.That's right, the company's brand design does have an important position in the field of visual design. A brand is not just a symbol or a set of visual elements, it contains a wider range of meanings and values.

关键词:公司品牌设计 www.xicaodesign.com